
Can I Schedule a Telehealth Visit for My Child?

We are an urgent care that offers Telemedicine / Telehealth appointments.
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Jul 25, 2024
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In many cases, you can schedule a telehealth visit for your child if they need medical care and getting to the doctor’s office isn’t possible or convenient. Find out more about telehealth for children and when to schedule a virtual visit.

When your child is sick with a cough, fever, and body aches, you know they need medical care. But taking them to the doctor when they feel crummy is challenging. In many cases, telehealth is a good option for a child who needs to see a medical professional but getting to the doctor’s office isn’t possible. 

At Pro-Health Urgent Care of Midland in Midland, Michigan, our specialists offer telehealth appointments to manage many urgent health visits so you don’t have to bring your child into the office for medical care. Here’s what you should know about telehealth for children and when a virtual visit makes sense.

About telehealth

Telehealth includes any type of health service that doesn’t require a visit to the office. Most people think telehealth is when you meet with your doctor by video chat. But virtual visits, also called telemedicine, are only one part of telehealth.

Telehealth includes all remote medical services — such as electronic prescriptions, text or email messages between you and your provider, and remote patient monitoring tools like wearable activity trackers. 

At our urgent care clinic, telehealth appointments with your child start with a virtual visit where we meet with you and your child by video call through our secure patient portal. All you need is internet access and a computer, laptop, or smartphone with a working camera. 

Telehealth visits for your child

A common question many parents ask themselves when their child is ill: Should I take them to the doctor? A telehealth visit can serve as a go-between to help answer this question and potentially prevent the need to drive to the doctor’s office.

If you have concerns about your child’s health but you’re not sure if they need a face-to-face visit, schedule a telehealth appointment. Some of the common health issues we can manage virtually for children include:

  • Fever
  • Cold and flu symptoms
  • Skin rash
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation
  • Pink eye
  • Sports injuries
  • Ear pain
  • Allergies
  • Depression or anxiety

We can also schedule a telehealth appointment for follow-up care or to provide refills for prescriptions.

What to expect

The details of your child’s telehealth visit with our urgent care team depends on their health issue. However, you can expect an attentive visit. We ask detailed questions about your child’s current health and concerns, as well as review their medical history.

We may ask for basic information like height and weight, body temperature, and any medications you’ve given them to manage their acute health issues. We may also ask you to share pictures of a rash or injury for a closer evaluation. 

After gathering the necessary information, we determine a diagnosis and discuss the treatment plan with you. The plan may include rest, over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, or referrals to specialists.

If we can’t provide a definitive diagnosis through telehealth, we may ask that you bring your child to the office so we can perform a physical exam, run tests, and provide appropriate treatment. Telehealth is convenient, but sometimes fact-to-face appointments are necessary. 

If your child needs medical attention but bringing them into the office isn’t possible or convenient, schedule a telehealth visit with the Pro-Health Urgent Care of Midland team by calling our staff or booking an appointment online today.